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Experience Curve Series

Care to take a Cost-Benefit Analysis of your own life just after high school? Watch as Freshman Annie Kuterbach dives into Copeland University’s School of Business. The real challenges, however, lay just outside classroom doors. Bearing witness to and undergoing romantic entanglements first hand, how high will her Experience Curve rise in the years to come?

The relationships within the series range from the seemingly perfect long-term (sometimes nauseatingly so) couple to the friends-with-benefits, from the love/hate sex-capades to the never-gonna-happen friend zones. It includes both hetero- and homo- sexual relationships. The classic love-triangle gets bent completely out of shape due to the romantic entanglements involved.

Based on a compilation of true stories creatively adapted to fit a (hopefully entertaining) web series format. A cross between No Strings Attached and Parenthood.

**Warning: This web series contains mild language, violence, sexual content, drug and alcohol usage, etc.**

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